5 Reasons Why People Only Think They’re Changing, But Aren’t Really Being Honest With Themselves

Melvina Ramasamy
4 min readJan 17, 2024


“Your identity is found in your routine, not just in your dreams. Dreams spark interest, but routines create results.” — Jay Shetty

In a world obsessed with the idea of personal growth and transformation, there’s a subtle irony that often goes unnoticed. We talk a big game about change, about shedding old skins and emerging anew. But let’s face it, more often than not, what we call ‘change’ is just our old selves in a new outfit. It’s like slapping a fresh coat of paint on a crumbling wall and calling it renovation. Why? Because real change, the raw and honest kind, is uncomfortable, and who wants to be uncomfortable?

  1. The Comfortable Path of Least Resistance

We’re creatures of habit, aren’t we? Our brains are wired to follow the path of least resistance. It’s easier to fall back into familiar patterns than to forge new ones. This is why New Year’s resolutions often go the way of the dodo. We start with a burst of enthusiasm, but as soon as the going gets tough, we’re back to binge-watching Netflix in our pyjamas, telling ourselves we’re ‘evolving’ because we switched from rom-coms to documentaries.

2. The Mirror of Honesty: A Tough Reflection

Honest self-reflection is the cornerstone of genuine change, but let’s be honest, it can be as pleasant as a root canal. Facing your own flaws and insecurities? No thank you, I’ll take self-deception with a side of delusion, please. We love to tout our ‘journey of self-improvement’ on social media, but when was the last time we truly sat down with our demons over a cup of tea and have a real heart-to-heart with ourselves?

3. Change: The Masquerade Ball of Self-Deception

Pretending to change is a change in itself, just not the kind you need. It’s like attending a masquerade ball. We all wear masks of transformation, dancing around, but at the end of the night, we go home and take off our disguises. And there we are, the same person as before, just a bit sweatier from all the dancing.

4. The Uncomfortable Road Less Travelled

Real change? It’s gritty. It’s waking up every day and making choices that go against the grain. It’s about doing the hard stuff, even when it’s easier to scroll through Instagram and double-tap on quotes about change. It’s a road less travelled for a reason — it’s littered with the challenges of self-confrontation and the hard work of self-improvement.

5. Half-Truths: The Easy Escape

Telling half-truths is a common way to avoid the discomfort of total honesty. It’s not the whole truth because people are often afraid of the reaction. This fear of vulnerability and genuine expression leads to a state of denial and stagnation, where real growth is replaced by a comfortable illusion of change.

In conclusion, change isn’t just a fancy slogan on a motivational poster; it’s a daily grind. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about small, consistent actions. It’s not about being comfortable; it’s about being real. And until we’re honest with ourselves about the discomfort of true change, we’ll remain comfortably numb, mistaking motion for progress and familiarity for evolution.



Melvina Ramasamy

No Filter, no bullshit only self acceptance and in hope to help someone out there.